Sunday, September 15, 2019

Le mistificazioni sui migranti

Ora tutti felici perché pare che Francia e Germania si piglino il 50% dei prossimi migranti.
In realtà non è così: la Francia ha già detto che prende il 25% di quelli che hanno diritto all'asilo. Quindi il 4%, visto che i profughi veri sono solo 15 su 100. 
Ma sono calcoli inutili, perché tutto dipende dal numero degli arrivi totali. Un conto se restano sui 6mila annui come adesso, un altro se tornano ai 40mila del periodo Minniti, o ai 180mila di prima.
La condivisione europea, cancellando la regola di Dublino (ciascun Paese si tiene i migranti che gli arrivano), è solo uno dei problemi.
Il primo è sconfiggere il traffico di esseri umani. Quindi il secondo problema è neutralizzare i mafiosi libici che lo praticano (gli scafisti). E il terzo è impedire che altri disperati dall'Africa o dall'Asia finiscano nelle loro mani


  1. Ciò che nessuno considera è ciò che ha emancipato le donne occidentali più di ogni battaglia femminista: la pillola anticoncezionale. Se questi disperati migrano è prima di tutto perché ESISTONO. Radicali significa interrogarsi sulla radice dei problemi. Cosa faremo quando 1.5 miliardi di indiani pretenderanno due automobili a testa come noi? Dobbiamo riaffermare il primato della politica costringendo le case farmaceutiche dai profitti scandalosi a fornire GRATIS (pena ispezioni fiscali minuziose) miliardate di anticoncezionali ai governi occidentali che li distribuiscano con logistica e volontari delle ONG che non mancherebbero a educare le donne asiatiche e africane nell'appropriarsi del proprio utero. Questa sarebbe la massiccia operazione umanitaria, culturale, antropologica, RADICALE

  2. The main point of this section is to illustrate that psychology plays a major role in determining if people are successful with long term weight loss. If it's not addressed as part of the overall plan, it can be the factor that makes or breaks your success. This, however, is
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  4. aren't able to swallow a pill or capsule are still able to gain the benefits of certain male enhancement products. Male enhancement supplement in patch form deliver a consistent amount of supplement to the body and can help with scheduling of regular dosages. Often product use instructions indicate the patch need only be changed in intervals varying
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  5. augmentations, and thigh lifts. The loose skin, although it may not seem like it, is a proud reminder of how far you've come and if you take that extra step to remove the loose skin, your body will be an entire trophy dedicated to yourself. In this post, we will see why and where that extra skin came from and how to reduce or remove it.
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  6. back to fit the body's new size because of its elasticity due to collagen in the skin. However, When fat tissue is worked and the cells shrink, wouldn't it make sense that your skin would shrink as well? Yes and no. In the cases of moderate weight loss, skin can certainly shrink back to fit the body's new size because of its elasticity due to collagen in the skin. However, collagen does have its limits. Collagen fibers weaken with age and results in wrinkles. Rapid

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  7. While this article focuses on the primary types of male enhancement pills increasingly manufactures of male enhancement pills, available online, offer their formula in patch form. "Medication" patches are thin patches with a sticky backing allowing application to the skin and

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  10. probably are not going to stick to a ninety day program where you have to eat brussel sprout and cabbage soup at each meal while exercising sixty minutes two times each day. It's just not sustainable. Every program has it's nutrition and exercise requirements so it's up to you to make sure that those requirements will challenge you to improve but that also fit into your current living arrangement.
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  11. Hi! I'm Alex Jones and I love helping people lose weight. You have to first figure out your true motivation as to why you want to lose weight and once you do you will have all the firepower you need to keep you motivated when the going get's tough. There will be days when you feel like giving up but hang in there and you will eventually see your weight loss
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  12. Insufficient Calories Consumed The human body requires a MINIMUM of 1200 calories per day to function. If you consume less than that (on a crash diet for example), your body will
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  13. Muscle Loss All bodily tissue requires energy to maintain itself, including fat. Muscle requires FIVE TIMES the amount of energy to maintain itself than fat does. The higher the muscle percentage in your body the greater your caloric needs. Unfortunately, diets sometimes lead to muscle loss. The bodies primary source of energy is carbohydrates, followed by protein
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  14. Concentrate on mixing up your routine to maintain progress and life will just get better and better! Another thing to keep in mind is that weight loss is not the only aspect to increasing your fitness. It is possible to lose inches without losing weight. This is because if you build muscle through resistance training that muscle weighs MORE than fat but requires LESS space. A person who weighs 200 lbs with 25% lean muscle will be smaller than another

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  15. Another secret to male enhancement are penis enlargement exercises. While there are several types of exercises that have been in use for a long time, a technique called Jelqing has been around forever. Jelqing involves placing an OK sign around the base of your penis,

  16. Your metabolism slows down as you lose weight because your body doesn't need to exert as much energy to maintain its now-slimmer physique.
    If you don't adjust your calories to account for this, you may hit a plateau. The easy way to avoid this is to re-calculate your daily caloric target after every 15 pounds of weight loss. As you'll see, the target creeps lower and lower.
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  17. As weight-loss surgery will require some time away from everyday activities, it is important to have the support of family, friends and coworkers before undergoing any surgical procedure. Furthermore, as the ongoing weight-loss process following bariatric surgery may require a certain level of emotional support, prospective patients may want to establish a

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  18. We now make our way to another test to help you choose a nutrition program for long term weight loss, and it does not actually involve nutrition. The missing link for long term weight loss is exercise. Exercise is the essential component of long term weight loss. Many diet programs do not contain an exercise component, which means they are losers for long term weight loss from the very start. Any program that has its focus on weight loss but does not

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  19. Fat loss is attempting to lower your total body fat - i.e. the percentage of your total body weight that is made up of fat.
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  20. Individual's way of life, sustenance inclinations, readiness capacities, nibble propensities, longings, and so on, ought to all be considered when building up a dietary arrangement. It is vital that the sustenance instructor tailor the eating routine to the person instead of receiving a "one-measure fits-all" approach. After weight reduction, bring down fat eating

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  22. With more than 50 percent of the population paying attention to weight, you'd expect the pounds to be coming off. Most people, however, are experiencing little to no weight change. Some people even find that their weight goes up after they attempt to reduce. Depending on

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  23. We now make our way to another test to help you choose a nutrition program for long term weight loss, and it does not actually involve nutrition. The missing link for long term weight loss is exercise. Exercise is the essential component of long term weight loss. Many diet programs do not contain an exercise component, which means they are losers for long term
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  24. Weight loss is one of the hottest topics ever. Everyone seems to be trying to lose weight nowadays. Most diet programs are about weight loss and body weight is often used as an indicator of fitness progress. But, this is an incorrect approach.
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  25. Due to the reduction of calorie intake during the early periods of using any weight loss product and in particular those especially designed to "supposedly" facilitate quick fat reduction, the body is forced to release and burn its stored glycogen for energy fuel. Glycogen is essentially made up of 75% water and 25% glucose and therefore when glucose is metabolized, water is largely produced as a by-product.
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  26. After experiencing the initial rapid weight loss, it is too often the case that a lot of dieters who make use of such quick fat reduction products find that they simply start losing hope as their fat loss rate almost always grinds to a snail pace. And while it might be great if all the bodyweight reduction experienced during the initial phase of the diet program was actually
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  27. you would like to learn more about how our brain attempts to sabotage us from creating new habits then please download my free E-book, "Psychology of Releasing Weight"
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  28. This particular study was done on women, so it reflects some of the specific psychological issues women have - but make no mistake here - men also have their own psychological issues that can sabotage their long term weight loss efforts. (6)
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  29. While patients will certainly look and feel better after weight-loss surgery, there are also numerous health benefits associated with successful weight loss. In most cases, health conditions that develop as a result of excessive body weight or are worsened by obesity can be improved upon or, in some cases, remedied by weight-loss surgery.
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  30. - Body Contouring Procedures: For those that are losing 80 lbs. to over 100 lbs. surgical procedures, known as post-bariatric surgery, are available to tighten skin and remove the extra pockets of skin that inhibit your body from being as toned and tight as the individual would like. Below are the most common procedures for massive weight loss patients.
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  31. Exercise While You Diet: Weight misfortune is about lessening your caloric admission while you increment the calories you smolder. Eating less lessens your caloric admission however practicing helps you blaze more calories.
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