Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pakistan: Hindustan Times

Pakistan, Nov. 24 -- Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator, had 14 lovers at the same time, the diaries of his long-term mistress reveal.Claretta Petacci was the daughter of a Vatican doctor, who met Mussolini in 1932 when she was 20 and became his mistress four years later.Her journal published last week describes the period from 1932 to 1938.

The Times quoted Mauro Suttora, who edited the diaries for his book Secret Mussolini, as saying: "The diaries are an intimate chronicle, minute by minute, of the daily life of the founder of fascism."Petacci was sure that Mussolini, who was married and had five children, had numerous other affairs so she made him call her up nearly a dozen times in a day. In her diary she has written the times of the calls and their conversation.

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