Friday, October 20, 2006

American weddings

New York Observer, February 20, 2006
page 2

My American girlfriend Marsha’s life is dictated by weddings. Like all 30-years-oldish, she has so many friends who get married, and unfortunately invite her, that she can’t cope any longer. Her entire vacation time gets absorbed by these fruitless ceremonies, provided that the absolute majority of marriages end up in divorce.

“You know the latest about Cindy?”, she told me the other day.
“Yes, Cindy, that lovely girl living in the Upper East 80’s who got hitched to Robert in 2004. What’s new? Wasn’t she pregnant?”
“She divorced. She found out Robert’s on cocaine”.
“What? But we went to dinner with them at Le Marchelier, he looked so nice... How long had they been together for? She didn’t notice?”
“Apparently not. She found out only because money was missing regularly and massively”.
“Wow! Aren’t they the ones who met on the net?”
“No, that’s Jade, don’t you remember her wedding in Florida?”

Yes. No. Honestly, I’ve been to so many weddings in the past months that I can’t tell one from the other any longer. I only know that Marsha’s yearly schedule revolves around them. Because most of her friends, even when living in New York, pick strange and faraway places to tie the knot. Naples (Florida), Washington, Philadelphia, California, Seattle... Why they don’t just stick to the Harmony or Metropolitan Club? The father’s bride has to shell out $100,000 in any case. Please, at least spare us the travel expenses.

Plus, we have to add some extra holiday days around each marriage, otherwise what’s the point of traveling twelve hours just to get there and back? So, at the average of four days for four weddings yearly, all of Marsha’s meager two weeks vacation time gets sucked up. No more room for a trip to Europe: for us, it’s either marriages in the U.S. or vacationing overseas. No wonder Americans travel the world less than any other nationality: the blame’s on marriages.

Italian weddings are a big thing too. Many families love to squander the savings of a lifetime for their daughter’s once in a lifetime endeavour. But at least in Italy this is a one-day affair: the church, the banquet, the feast, the dance, and that’s it, we can leave before midnight. Plus, Italy is so small compared to the U.S. that you have to fly a maximum of two hours to get anywhere.

On the contrary, in America everything’s got to be humongous. The problem with Marsha is that all of her friends seem to be so close and affectionate (even if they shared only two years in college with her 15 years ago and barely met afterwards) that her presence (and mine) is required also for such a nightmare unknown to us Europeans which is called “Rehearsal dinner”. It takes place the night before the wedding, meaning you have to get the Friday off. And the day after the wedding there is usually a brunch, too, reserved for the out-of-towners (that is, everybody).

Many times Marsha is asked to be a bridesmaid. After watching so many American movies about weddings, especially the recent ones with Julia Roberts and Steve Martin, I thought I was experienced in them. Wrong. You actually have to go yourself through the plight of being the bridesmaid’s boyfriend, in order to fully understand what it means to be left alone most of the time for three consecutive days because your loved one has been restrained in order to perform rehearsals and endless fittings for dresses, hairdos, nails... I found myself with so many idle mornings and afternoons that I visited Benjamin Franklin’s house in Philadelphia, Paul Allen’s rock museum in Seattle, the Phillips Collection in Washington. In Florida there’s nothing to see, so I just walked on the beach.

In Philadelphia all of the seven impressive pink-dressed bridesmaids got literally hijacked because thay had to arrive to and live the church simultaneously in a stretched limo. It took me hours to figure out the way to ceremony and afterwards to a country club on the Main Line, tens of miles away from each other. I actually enjoyed getting lost in the same fabulous suburbs where Grace Kelly grew up, and discovering that places like Marion, Pa., are even more elegant than Greenwich, Ct., or Beverly Hills, Ca. But when I finally made to the club and its three bands (one for the cocktails, one for dinner, one for the dance), I couldn’t get a hold of Marsha either: she was again secluded for hours in a secret location for the photo session.

Apart from this, American marriages are wonderful. You get to know so many people, all of which get very excited when you tell them you’re Italian (do they know Italy is full of assholes?). There is mutual neverending fascination between Italy and the United States, we too get crazy when we meet any American in Italy. I remember that while in high school in Udine we even spoke to the mormon missionaries just because they came from the States. And now it seems that all U.S. celebrities have to go to Italy in order to meet and get married: it happened to Angelina, Brad, Tom, Katie...

At a certain point during the night many wedding guests get drunk. Which is normal at any party, but marriages offer an advantage for the romanticism involved. So, if you are single, marriages transform into paradise, as outlighted in the movie “Wedding Crashers”. Some dinner tables are reserved for them: they have time to socialize while eating, and to get closer afterwards, dancing. Girls seem more eager to find a mate and give themselves away, there are statistics about an overwhelming number of relationships started at weddings (and funerals). Sometimes behind the bushes that very night at the golf club.

The problem with us Newyorkers is that we forget that when the whole thing is over, we still have to drive back to the hotel. On a leased car, and in unfamiliar territory. In Washington I was slowing down on some Beltway to find the right exit, when a police car pulled us over.
“What have I done? I wasn’t speeding up, that’s for sure...”
“Erotic driving”.
“I beg your pardon?”
I felt kind of flattered, too wasted to understand “erratic”. Marsha saved me with her gentle, blue eyes imploring the merciful cop. Besides, I had an Italian driving license, our hotel was very close and the police car with the alcohol control equipment was too far away.

The next day, Marsha confessed to me that she had a discussion with her father about him setting away 75,000 dollars for her own wedding. It sounded too much like a hidden invitation to propose, so I rushed to enumerate all the failings of the wedding industry: “Listen baby, this is just a big 50 billions business devouring itself. Because young couples get in debt in order to hire a marriage consultant and all the shit, plus many already have to repay for college, then comes the house mortgage, little children are expensive too... And in the end, do you know what’s the main cause for recently married couples splitting? Financial stress. It’s a circle. So, why doesn’t your father just give you the money, and you do what you want with it? Aren’t we already happy living together like this?”
“I don’t like it when you call me ‘baby’ ”, she just replied.

Mauro Suttora


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  85. Biogenix Rx It makes a speciality of boosting your Biogenix Rxsterone degree and this will assist you to obtain lengthy-lasting sex with extra persistence and stamina. This complement additionally fixes your premature ejaculation with harder and extra powerful erections.

  86. SurgenX Keto
    • Garcinia Cambogia: This makes certain that your body’s metabolism fee gets expanded and also lovers your urge for food with fewer starvation emotions.
    • Avocado: that is going to emulate you to influences and make sure that once lost frame fats will no longer go back

  87. Super Keto Burn What are the pros of the pill?
    • The components presently used are all-herbal
    • hunger hormones lowering is achieved certainly
    • completely felony as a brilliant fitness care product too

  88. Fit Body Keto It's miles a quicker and fast weight reduction manner that many people are attempting this one. However it's miles very hard to gain with the aid of our body on its own.

  89. Dietary Nature Keto Finally, those dietary supplements will deliver your permanent consequences, and also you gained’t ever emerge as fats. Dietary Nature Keto weight reduction supplement revolves across the science of Ketosis. Ordinary use of this supplement improves fats burning, boosts energy level, adjusts starvation and makes the frame slim.

  90. Spark Keto
    What are its advantages? :
    •ensures you the best shape
    •keeps you lively all day lengthy
    •Proves to be the all-round solution
    •goals directly the stubborn fats
    •Regulates your emotions of hunger

  91. What's Ketogenic Diet Ketogenic Diet complement?
    With the increase in cases of obesity and different fitness-associated troubles, the complement industry has flourished. People have put in all of their consider in those dietary supplements and their accept as true with is usually broken via the producers.

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    Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had very small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on
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  93. Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,MOSES and decided to contact him on his email: so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr MOSES I also learn that Dr MOSES also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr MOSES now for help on his email ( or add him on whatsapp line +2348149508633.  

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  95. Greetings everyone.

    i am very happy to share this little awesome testimony about Dr OKISIN a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal cream mixture, my girlfriend is now so amazed with the autonomous size of my penis , if you you are also in need of help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I advIce you to contact Dr OKISIN on his email ( ) or contact him on whatsapp number +2348149508633 because he is one of the best herbal doctor that i can only show you up to, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within three weeks i recommend Dr OKISIN he is also specialized on  breast and boobs enlargement i will advise you to contact him for help   DR OKISIN whatsapp number +2348149508633...........  

  96. Herbal Penis Enlargement product is 100% guarantee to Enlarge and get a better ERECTION , contact Dr Moses via whatsapp  +2348109374702.     the reason why most people are finding it difficult to enlarge Penis is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatment which is nothelpful for Penis Enlargement . Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily Enlarge your Penis permanently  Contact Dr Moses via Email : or via WhatsApp :  +2348109374702.    HE ALSO RENDER THE FOLLOWING ......... WEAK ERECTION ............
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    . LOW SPERM COUNT.....................

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